
CMP provides multiple services

As a Nordic Financial Services Advisory, we offer consultancy services, that are based on our combination of business understanding, extensive experience and know-how.

Among our variability of services, we offer e.g. experience and competencies within the following areas:

Capital Market expertise

M&A services

Regulatory reporting

Asset Management Systems


Regulatory services and implementation, e.g. ESG, DORA etc.

Private Banking and wealth management

Capital Market Expertise

Hands-on ability to achieve capital market objectives for clients including strategic ambition, processes and systems.


Our broad expertise from decades of working with regulation in the financial sector has already proven valuable to our commodity trading clients.


Our experience in implementing new regulation with a can-do attitude has helped our clients getting started on the often-overwhelming tasks created by the sustainability agenda.

Asset Management

We assist our clients with new operating models, middle- and back-office optimisation and system implementation.

The range of asset management systems and providers from new Fintech challengers to established mature providers creates a need from clients for assistance in system selection targeted their exact requirements.

M&A services

Our hands-on insight financial services and experience in M&A have assisted numerous clients on a range of M&A tasks covering both integration and carve-out. Tasks have included due diligence, programme office management, synergy optimization, target operational model, system selection, work-flow descriptions etc.

Regulatory reporting

Regulatory reporting has been a critical topic for years and will continue in the coming years e.g. with MiFIR II. CMP has supported clients with analysis of upcoming requirements, insight and hands-on support in understanding oversight expectations as well as assessing organisation, system and competency requirements. Not least supporting implementation and actual hands-on transaction reporting management on client behalf.

Regulatory services and implementation, e.g. ESG, DORA etc.

On a broad scale new regulation continues to affect the financial sector. CMP have assisted clients with interpretating and implementing a wide range of new regulatory requirements covering from ESG relations (SFDR, CSRD etc), over DORA to capital market regulations (EMIR, MIFiD, SFTR etc).


In the coming years towards 2028, a significant range of infrastructure and market practice changes with affect the financial markets on the post-trade area. Topics like omnibus set-up, T2S adaption, T+1 settlement, the introduction of ISO standards for settlements, transfers, issuance and corporate actions and more will imply significant changes which the market participants will have to adopt as the EU moves further toward common capital market standards.

Private Banking and Wealth Management

Private Banking and wealth management is a significant “battle-zone” between marked participants in attracting and servicing the most attractive personal customers. CMP assists on a range of topics including competitor benchmarking, products, advisor concepts, investment services, regulatory compliance and system selection.

The Capital Market

Business Domains

As a business partner, we offer consultancy services, that are based on our combination of business understanding, hands-on experience and technical know-how. Our work with strategic analysis, business development, regulations,  implementation of IT systems and other projects support strategic decisions on different levels of complexity. 


We cover an extensive range of financial services activities, and support the market within: